Policies, Procedures & Forms

Policies, Procedures & Forms

Trustee Accounts were established and are operated in compliance with Sections 4-52 through 4-57a of the Connecticut General Statutes, the State of Connecticut Comptroller’s Office, State Accounting Procedures Manual for Activity and Welfare Funds, State Internal Control Guide and other relevant Federal, State and University policies. All of these documents have been used to develop the internal Tier III policies.

Tier III organizations may also develop specific internal operating policies and procedures to meet their organization’s objectives. Tier III organization policies, procedures and management decisions may not be in conflict with the policies of the State of Connecticut, the University of Connecticut, or those included in this document. TSOS must review and approve all internal operating policies and procedures of Tier III organizations prior to implementation.

The policies in this document supersede all other previous practices, implied or explicit. Procedures and process for these policies are listed below.  All policies and procedures apply to both Regional and Storrs Trustee Organizations unless noted.

Tier III Policies 2020-21 Version FINAL



Training Grid Graphic

Required Training for 2020-21 is online:

HuskyCT >

   Organizations >

   Student Org Leader Training [SOLID] >


     #1 - T3, Stewardship & Transparency

     #2 - Stewardship of Assets

     #3 - Financial Policies

     #4 - Hiring and Time Approval

If you have any trouble downloading these forms, please contact TSOS by emailing trusteeorgsupport@uconn.edu.