Offer Letter Template Your Organization*Daily CampusGraduate Student SenateNutmeg PublishingStorrs USGUConn PIRGUCTVWHUS RadioAvery Point ASGHartford USGStamford SGAWaterbury ASGLaw School SBASchool of Social Work GSOSupervisor's Name* First Last Supervisor's Role in the Organization*President/EIC/GM/ChairTreasurer/Comptroller/Finance ManagerDepartment SupervisorOtherSupervisor's Email (Position Email preferred)* Enter Email Confirm Email Employee InformationUse this section to enter information about the person being hired.Employee's Name* First Last Employee's UConn Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Employment/Position InformationUse this section to enter information about the position being filled.Job Title/Position*Job Code*as listed in the JobX posting.Job Description*What are the main responsibilities of the position as listed in either governing documents and/or the job positing?If applicable, other limitations or guidelines that must be completed prior to official start date or contingent on employment (training, attendance at Triad/Org Meetings, etc):Wages and HoursHourly Wage*Anticipated Start DateDate cannot precede date of I-9 completion or, if an existing employee with no break in service, the date of this form completion. MM slash DD slash YYYY End Date*Employee cannot work beyond their own graduation nor beyond the term of their supervisor so the end date must be no later than the earlier of those two dates. MM slash DD slash YYYY Is the employee authorized to work remotely?* No (their tasks cannot be done remotely or their work would not longer be required) Yes, regardless of University operation status (their tasks can be done remotely) Yes, only if the University is closed (their tasks can be done remotely) Number of hours per pay week (Fri-Thu) the employee is authorized to work up to during the Spring and Fall semesters:*Note that total hours per pay week cannot exceed 20 hours during the semester.Is the employee authorized to work during any breaks (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer)?* Yes No Number of hours per pay week (Fri-Thu) the employee is authorized to work up to during Fall Break, if any:Note that total hours per pay week cannot exceed 40 hours during break periods.Number of hours per pay week (Fri-Thu) the employee is authorized to work up to during Winter Break, if any:Note that total hours per pay week cannot exceed 40 hours during break periods.Number of hours per pay week (Fri-Thu) the employee is authorized to work up to during Spring Break, if any:Note that total hours per pay week cannot exceed 40 hours during break periods.Number of hours per pay week (Fri-Thu) the employee is authorized to work up to during Summer Break, if any:Note that total hours per pay week cannot exceed 40 hours during break periods.The hours designated above represent the following:* a firm cap every week with no flexibility to work additional hours. an average allowing some flexibility week to week as long as both the supervisor approves in advance and employee never exceed 20 hours during the semester or 40 hours over breaks for the pay week. If applicable, other limitations or guidelines for hours worked or time frames not specified above:Untitled First Choice Second Choice Third Choice NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.